Thursday, July 3, 2008

Fourth of July Festivities

So tomorrow is the fourth of July and I couldn't be more excited. This year, instead of doing the typical backyard BBQ and fireworks, I'm working at the parade in Philly. This year, a major sponsor of the parade is Southwest Airlines. My job parade day is to be their assistant and take them anywhere in the city they want to go. That's right-- if they want to go to Wawa, my little golf cart will be shuttling them there.

As fun as it's going to be to drive around the high profiles of the day, it's also great experience and a resume builder. You'll find a lot of opportunities such as this in Philly-- one of the great perks of living in a metropolitan area. It's also an opportunity to make connections-- how many people can say they've met the top executives of a major company?

Hopefully I'll have time to relax a bit though and check out the fireworks. This will be my first 4th of July in Philly experiencing the festivities. If the fireworks are anything like the ones I saw on New Years, the show tomorrow night is sure to be phenomenal!

Check out all of the festivities here:

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