Friday, July 27, 2007

Summer Reading

So all of you freshmen have been assigned a wonderful book to "enjoy" during your summer off. If you would like to actually enjoy a book, there are several new ones out that are worth picking up.

Of course, the new Harry Potter is a top pick. I'm a big dork and already finished it, but I was left content with the way the series ended. So, if you're up to some 1,000 pages, check it out.

Chuck Palahniuk released his new book, Rant, this year, which I picked up yesterday (along with a study guide for my GMAT'S. yay for grad school!). If you haven't heard of Palahniuk, you definitely have heard of his work. Fight Club was written by him, but made famous on the big screen with Brad Pitt and Edward Norton. If you enjoy the sick and twisted mindset of Fight Club, check out Invisible Monsters-- hands down one of the best books I've ever read. If any of you are Panic! At the Disco fans, their song Time to Dance is actually based on Invisible Monster's storyline. It's interesting to listen to the song after having read the book and actually knowing what the heck they're singing about.

For the political mind, The World is Flat is a GREAT book. It's not exactly new to this summer, but if you enjoy satire, you'll enjoy this.

Augusten Burroughs also released his new book, Possible Side Effects this April. Burroughs is the author of the book, now movie, Running with Scissors, which is a hilarious dark childhood memoir. I haven't read his new work, but it's definitely on the list!

So, if you're a reader, hopefully these will keep you entertained during the next 2 months until college!

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