Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Co-op job offers!

So tomorrow night co-op job offers are posted! EEEEK! It's so stressful not knowing who will offer you a position or if you have to go through to round B or C of interviews. Fortunately for me, I've already been notified that I have a job at Bancorp Bank and am the first qualified alternate at Monell. But I'll know tomorrow if I am offered any others.

The whole co-op process is quite stressful, but is SO worth it. I mean, Drexel is so unique with their co-op experience; most undergraduates don't graduate with 1.5 years of experience. Also, in a person's lifetime, they may interview for 10-15 jobs. I interviewed for 10 this MONTH. By the time you graduate, interviews are like second nature, which is critical when it comes to the BIG interview that will get you a good paying job when you graduate.

I'll let you know tomorrow what jobs I am offered!

And if you have any questions about co-op, as always, feel free to ask : )

1 comment:

Sara Beg said...

so are co-op students most likely guaranteed a job once they graduate from the five-year program?