Friday, April 6, 2007

There's a reason why baseball is a spring/summer sport...

So I had my first Phillies experience this past week. Quite a memorable one-- opening night, college night, dollar dog night, free peanut chews...people getting kicked out left and right, dogs being thrown on the field, a Braves player throwing it back, freezing my butt off!!! (it rained all day and was like 35 degrees that night. April = spring = should not be below 50!)...ohhh what a night : P

The Phillies ended up losing after being up 2 runs til the last inning : (

But the highlight of the night occurred on the train ride home. We started off the broad street line, and every single car was full of college kids. A group of them were from Temple University and they started chanting "lick that pole! lick that pole!" They had the whole car encouraging a guy to lick one of the poles about 2 feet. This kid ended up getting paid $36. Ridiculous. As my friend put it, $36 won't even cover the doctor bills coming his way in the near future : P Go Temple.

The rest of the week finished up pretty well. It was the first week of classes, so nothing too exciting in class. The first week of Spring term is "Welcome Back Week" for upper classmen who were out on co-op the past 6 months, so there were a ton of events around campus. There was free ice cream in the quad, surveys to participate in for gift certificates, free food at Ross Commons, and a concert put on by MadDragon records (our student record label). So, tons of stuff to do, tons of free stuff, and a good way to start off the new term!

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