Tuesday, June 19, 2007


So, for those of you who don't know, my hometown is Blacksburg, VA, which is the home of Virginia Tech. I'm sure all of you followed the news this past spring in disbelief as the massacre unfolded, but things were a little different for me. Half of my high school enrolls at Tech every year, I have friends from work there, and then my cousin is also an engineer at Tech, so the whole week was full of anxiety awaiting the list of the injured to be released. Fortunately, no one I knew was on that list.

So, Saturday was my first day home for the summer, and on my way to work, I drove through Tech's campus to cut off some miles. The campus was simply moving-- banners everywhere saying, "We are Virgina Tech," flags everywhere, memorials still in tact....it was just overwhelming the power of the Tech student body. The community also stepped up; Main Street is lined with American and VT flags, local businesses have supportive signs in the windows, and you can't walk down the street without seeing someone wearing a memorial shirt, which are being sold to raise money for the families of the fallen.

This town is simply amazing.